Founder & CEO

Daniyal Nadeem


A passionate advocate for children's welfare with a vision to create sustainable change. Driven by personal experience and inspired by faith, they founded Reviving Flowers with the mission to provide loving homes and bright futures for orphaned children in Pakistan.

Board of Trustees

Trustee 1

Name Here


Area of expertise and brief background

Trustee 2

Name Here


Area of expertise and brief background

Trustee 3

Name Here


Area of expertise and brief background

Trustee 4

Name Here


Area of expertise and brief background

Trustee 5

Name Here


Area of expertise and brief background

Advisory Board

Advisor 1

Name Here

Strategic Advisor

Specialization and contribution area

Advisor 2

Name Here

Financial Advisor

Specialization and contribution area

Advisor 3

Name Here

Legal Advisor

Specialization and contribution area

Leadership Team

Volunteer 1

Name Here

Project Coordinator

Role and contribution

Volunteer 2

Name Here

Community Outreach

Role and contribution

Volunteer 3

Name Here

Events Coordinator

Role and contribution